Business Support Executive

Siobhan joined Maritime Belfast in 2013 and is responsible for providing support to Kerrie, the Maritime Belfast Board members and wider team. She has responsibility for providing project support for all of Maritime Belfast’s projects and assets, from the restoration and development of the Drawing Offices, to the SS Nomadic, and the relocation of the Mew Island Lighthouse Optic, as well as the Maritime Mile.

Siobhan is the first point of contact for any heritage related enquiries and is responsible for Maritime Belfast’s artefacts collection. Siobhan curated the Out Of Stores Exhibition showcasing some of the many artefacts and stories from the shipyards, carries out heritage tours and workshops, and community and stakeholder engagement.

Executive Team

Kerrie Sweeney MBE

Chief Executive Officer

Maeve Moreland

Destination Manager

Judith Webb

Product Development Manager

Siobhan McLaughlin

Business Support Executive

Linda Smyth

Finance Officer

Jenna Crymble

Marketing & Communications Manager

Sara Kelly

Communications and Marketing Assistant